Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sonic Pancake: Eyes On Fire

When I was in elementary school I vividly remember my 3rd grade teacher, Mr. Whitaker, teaching us about compound words. Some examples of compound words are: crosswalk, football, keystroke, sidekick and duckpin (awkward)... and that’s just to name a few. At an early age I learned to love words, so we can all blame him for my verbarian rambling and love of the thesaurus. Mr. Whitaker told us that compound words were like pancakes, two delicious morsels stacked upon each other to create a new meaning for awesome.. The term "Pancake Word" stuck with me and now I am throwing it back to you, but lets redefine it shall we.

A Pancake post is an audio post of an original song and then either a remix or cover of the same song stacked neatly on top. You can enjoy the deliciousness of both songs at once, pretty cool? Yes?

So let the Pancake post frenzy begin! 

The first Pancake Post is on Blue Foundation’s song - Eyes on Fire. I’ve chosen this song because I feel like it’s easy to digest, some of it is humiliating (so you’ll chuckle) and it could be neutral ground to start on. When I first heard of Blue Foundation it was due to Pandora. It was several years ago, I was working at the Fireworks Supermarket in Cleveland Tennessee. It was a great job to have during college. I didn’t have to do a lot and I was always a few steps ahead the customer base mentally. I never felt like I was wasting my time in college whenever I sold $300.00 dollars worth of explosives to someone who couldn’t spell their last name, or spent the last 45 minutes laughing over the phrase “flaming balls”. Whenever I closed I was all by myself. Just me, the radio and several thousands of dollars worth of explosives. You’d think I got lots of homework done there, but no, not really. I just browsed the web and hunted for new music. I always felt a small degree of guilt whenever I discovered a band on Pandora. Don’t ask me why, but I felt as though I should know everything their “music genome” project would/should pump out. 

I had no idea Blue Foundation was on the Twilight soundtrack (and the soundtrack is actually really good too *hold your stones*). Let me first off say that I am fairly neutral when it comes the franchise. I've seen the movies, tried reading the books, but my medieval history class got in the way of that. I even redboxed New Moon upon being bored on a rainy day. But being 25 and male, its become apparent that I either should hate Twilight or have a really good excuse for even considering it entertainment. I can't pick a side, but I can say in the truest of spirits, I'd date Kristen Stewart. 

In a heartbeat. 
That lip bite thing she does is so hot ---->
Moving on...

So here is the original song by Blue Foundation. When it came on Pandora I immediately went to the office. clicked the “thumbs up” button and started to google them. That’s when I discovered that they were on the Twilight soundtrack and I had haven’t felt that conflicted about enjoying a song since Yellow Card’s “Miles Apart”.I love Eyes On Fire because it is extremely simple and there is beauty in it’s simplicity. The guitars are a melodramatic waltz and the structure of the song is haunting. I respect the fact that the band doesn't jump in your face with emotion, rather they let the static and hum exercise the emotional wheels in your mind. One could also appreciate the raw atmosphere the band creates by focusing on the lead singers vocals. The fog of her echoed voice dissipates like dry ice and the bass lights up like hazard lights in the distance. It has a folky artistry that begs the story to the song. So go ahead and take a moment to listen to it.

On to the Remix!
I'm not much of a dancer or clubin' man, but this shit is gold. What's great about this remix is that original feeling of the song is not lost. It’s a great continuation of the story that was built by the original version. It's almost like watching Halloween and Halloween II back to back. You now can't live without the other, and they fit perfectly together. (I might get killed for that comment, sorry horror movie buffs) Nothing is stained, just tweaked for a new perspective. 

Let me know what you think. Be sure to email or comment on what you think would be a good Sonic Pancake. 
I'm all ears.
Pancake Post done!

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